Friday, May 29, 2009


Our EA was actually sent today instead of Monday! :)



  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Party time!!!!!! Or perhaps we should wait until you are DTC. ;)

  2. WOOHOO...I am so excited for you guys...this is awesome!! Bring on PA!!!

  3. Ok, I just found this blog again! I've been searching and searching and then decided to use my brain and look at your profile. Duh! Anyway, I love your new blog design!!! And I'm so pumped you sent your EA!!

  4. Ditto to what Amy said above! LOL! I couldn't find it either!!! Duh too for me--look at the profile!!!

    CONGRATS on the EA! Did you hear that all of our state clearances and child abuse checks are back! Woo-hoo! All but our medicals are in for the HS paperwork, and they are due back early next week after labs come in. We are following hot on your heels friend! No good news on the other paperwork *issue* but we are hopeful that we can find favor. All in God's time.

    I loved the post about his school. Amazing.

  5. I am so excited for you guys!
    Praying for the state clearances to come through!
