It's amazing what a date does for ones mind. Just knowing that we will leave (95% sure) on February 18th to meet Evan feels great! I remember telling other adoptive friends last year when we started this process that we would not travel until February or March. As time went by and things were looking up I thought we could go in January. It would have been possible if there was no paperwork mix ups but that was not meant to be. I also remember stating (way,way back) very clearly that I did not want to go to China again in the dead of winter! Nor did I want to come home to long, cold, dark days where we would be stuck in the house all day.
If my calculations are right we will leave Feb. 18th and return March 4th or 5th. The weather in China should be warmer than the record breaking freezing temps they are experiencing now not to mention Daylight Savings Time starts the following week! :D Winter will be almost over! OK we will have another 4-5 weeks when we return but that's not bad!
The pain management center that I go to was able to get me in at the end of the month for a nerve block in my neck. I'm praying that helps relieve some of the pain that I've been having. I'll also get to see my neurosurgeon the next day for follow up. I'll be glad to have those two appointments out of the way. Then today Lia's developmental doctor called and said they had a cancellation next week and wanted to know if we could do her Botox injections! Oh yes please!
There are just a handful of items needed from our packing list. I'm glad to have started early. I found a nice winter coat for Evan that was clearanced dirt cheap. The only thing we need now is our TA!